Sunday, June 13, 2010

Praying Again

Create your own banner at!I love our local Christian radio station, which I listen to very frequently.  However, sometimes I just need a break from the same songs that get played over and over and over and over.  So lately I've been taking a sabbatical of sorts and gone to some trusty other stations for variety's sake, and for the sake of my sanity.  Because goodness knows I'm a variety-loving kind of gal.  And even in the spice of the variety, I still find myself station-surfing during the commercials (which also play over and over and over and over). 

Well, during one such surfing expeditions last week, I came across this amazing song by a group called Sanctus Real.  It's a contemporary Christian band that has had a few songs that I've liked in the past.  But this one, well, its message stuck with me all week.

It's the prayer of a husband asking God to help him lead his family as he has been called to lead.  Because he knows that he knows that he knows that he cannot do it without the very strength of God Himself.

So I thought I'd leave you today with this video about the story behind the song.  For the express purpose of lighting a fire under you (and me!) to PRAY for our husbands to "build (their) home(s) on the solid foundation Jesus Christ" alone.  And, while it might be easy for you to compare your husband to this man, I beg to please NOT!  Instead, I ask you to hear the message of this couple and think through how it might relate to your own marriage.  And then, I ask you to pray like crazy that your home will be founded on THE solid foundation of Jesus Christ.  Starting with you.  Praying for him.  Because this is truly the only true basis for vigilance in a marriage.

The Story Behind "Lead Me" - Sanctus Real from BrightBulb Entertainment on Vimeo.

I hope you'll join us today in our Vigilance as wives.  Please click here if you want to know what it's all about. 

And now it's your turn...

***Here's how it works... Leave a comment here about your husband and one way you choose to serve him today or this week. Or, if you have a blog, get your permalink for the post you'd like to share (a permalink is the URL to a specific blog post) then paste it into the nice little McKlinky thingy right here so other people can read and be encouraged by your vigilance. I also ask you to kindly link back to here so that your readers can read more vigilance stories.


Coby said...

Wow! This was so very encouraging. Thank you so much for not only the encouragement to pray, but the direction to pray!

emily freeman said...

Hi Brianna! - I can't find an email address on your blog so this is my only option :)

I'm Emily Freeman and I write for (in)courage. I also blog at Chatting at the Sky and I have a question for you. Several months ago, I wrote a post for (in)courage and I am planning to share that post in the book I am working on for Revell - a division of Baker Publishing Group.

You left a comment on that post that resonated with me and I would love to include it in the book, but I cannot share your comment without your permission because, you know, I guess you could sue me or something.

I think it will add a perspective for the readers of this book. I would tell you the name of the book, but it hasn't been titled yet ;)

I know it's a short quote, but I'm sharing lots of quotes from that post and yours adds something different. Would you be willing to let me share the following comment, along with your first name?

"I would have chosen the book and then flaunted the fact that I chose wisely to my sister who would have, no doubt, chosen the pencils."

thanks, Brianna.
I look forward to hearing from you!


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