"I think I know why the weeds came back," she declared from the backseat as we drove along the country roads that lead us into town. "Because the sign got crooked from the wind, and the rain made it so you can't see the words." I didn't want to squelch her thoughtful invention or her belief that weeds would not only read her handmade "No Weeds Allowed" sign, but that they would also heed it. So I agreed.
She made the sign a few weeks ago after helping me rid the flower bed of the unwanted intruders that had tried to lay claim to the flower bed in front of our house. And although she enjoyed our time together, my five-year-old does not enjoy repeating a task which has already been completed. Thus, the sign. It was all she could think of to do in order to ensure that our work had not been in vain.
Oh, if only it were that easy. If only we could post a sign for our marriages that reads, "No weeds allowed," and leave it at that.
But, a sign will not do the trick. And, just as a sign won't keep the weeds out of my flower beds, neither will it keep them from infringing on my marriage. In fact, it takes vigilance to keep the weeds out of both flower beds and marriages alike.
Weeds like selfishness. And pride. Resentment. Impatience. Harsh words. Prayerlessness.
That's why I'm committed to being vigilant as a wife. Because, even though weeds can sometimes be pretty at first, if left alone, they take over and leave no nutrients for the real flowers. The ones that display true beauty. And just like I want a healthy and beautiful flower bed, I also want a healthy and beautiful marriage, where God's glory is displayed through and through.
And just as some weeds are more difficult to pull than others, some of my marriage weeds are really hard to get to the root of. Especially selfishness. The soil of my heart seems to really attract that one. So I must stay vigilant. By looking for ways to serve my husband. By surrendering daily to God's plan and His ways so that the soil of my heart stays soft and doesn't get hard and crusty.
That, my friends, is what Mondays are all about here at andthensomore. Vigilance.
You in?
Don't have a blog? Awesome. Just post a comment here at the end of this post telling us about your commitment to be vigilant in your marriage this week.
oh I am so in with this vigilance. Weeds, I hate 'em and that is why this is such a good reminder. It is so much better to take them out when they are small and not wait. We literally did that with a weed in our back yard, and no joke, it is now a small tree! love how God gives us practical life lessons in nature. =0)
This was wonderful! As my husband prepares to begin work on his Master's Degree, I KNOW the Lord is going to use this busy and intense season to "weed me!" Even though I know it will be uncomfortable at times, I'm looking forward to it - to letting the beauty of our marriage shine through!
What an excellent way to illustrate the need to care for your marriage!
I have a print that was a wedding gift 11 years ago.
It states; "The marriage is the garden gate. Along the path, there will be flowers and weeds. Cherish the flowers and pull the weeds."
Too true! Not always easy, but true. Thanks for this series...we've recently found a very large patch of weeds, and are trying to painfully & painstakingly get rid of them.
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