Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Extreme Makeover : Life Edition

I used to be a slave.  An unpaid servant to things not holy.  Actions and attitudes that led me into dark living and spiraled down from there.  Deeper into living life as it was never meant to be lived.  The life that makes me feel worse at the end of the day rather than invigorated.  Rested in my soul.  I didn't even realize it.  But I was sin's slave.  And this slavery led to dirty cover-ups and heart-crimes that would make anyone sick.

"Just as you used to offer the parts of your body in slavery to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer them in slavery to righteousness leading to holiness." ~Romans 6:19

I read it this morning and it resonates with me somehow. I read the preceeding verses that play out like an "Extreme Makeover" episode and realize that I. am. a. new. person.  And I don't have to make choices that pull me deeper into that dark and ugly living that pretends to be real life.  I don't have to live the pretend life.  Instead, I can live, really live.  And rest in the One Who makes me righteous.  The One in Whose eyes I am holy. Because "(I) have been set free from sin and have become (a slave) to righteousness."  Period.

I mull it around inside my soul and realize the implications of this overwhelming truth.  Because of what Jesus Christ did for me, I can live a new life.   I. Have. New. Life.  In Him.

And in this truth, this real life, I can rest.  Really, truly, rest.

I can now turn my back on doing what comes naturally.  Like complaining in my heart and harboring bitter attitudes.  Like worrying about how I'm going to get everything done instead of trusting the very Creator of Time to lead me into and through my day.  Like fearing the what-ifs instead of savoring the what-is.

Yes, I turn away from my natural inclinations, the way I've always done things, and I turn to God.

I offer Him my mind.  Use it for your righteousness, Lord.  Because when I allow my mind to act as a slave to its former master, it worries and fears and complains.  Which leads to more worrying and fearing and complaining.  But when I offer my mind to Holy God, He frees me from worry.  And fear.  And I realize there is no reason for complaining. 

I offer Him my hands.  To use them as He pleases.  For building up others with the words I write.  For providing a meal for my family.  For creating a card to send to a friend in need of encouragement.

I offer Him my lips.  Lord, please use my lips for Your right and holy purposes.  To speak truth.  Gently but boldly.  To withhold bitter arguing and complaining.  To encourage and build up my daughters, even when they are driving me crazy.

And then, I wait.  As I rest.  Because I know that I know that I know that He hears my prayers.  And that these are the prayers that He loves...the kind of prayers that speak His very words back to Him.  The kinds of prayers that rely on His strength alone for the answer. 
holy experience


cooperkelly4 said...

love this!

Anonymous said...

Brianna. I haven't been to your blog in a while. I started full time work again and just haven't had the time. And then today, I stumbled upon you again and it is exactly what my spirit needed. What you wrote speaks to me in soooo many levels. Please pray for me as I venture onto the light of God from the darkness.

I'm all set to go to She Speaks too! See you there! Send me your email address on and I'll send you my cell phone number so that maybe we can connect.

Warm blessings,

Anonymous said...

Oh! And I changed my URL to :)

kimom said...

Hi Brianna! I saw your face over at Lisa-Jo's and came over to read. Awesome thoughts. I love that you view motherhood as a calling, and that you know your degree was part of your preparations. We often give presentations in churches and I get the question 'what do YOU do?'

I joke about giving our house Extreme Makeover: Congo Edition, but I like yours better. When I think about all God has done to move self-centered me from yuppie suburbia to Congo, I marvel at his ways! It was a hard road with a capital H, but worth every step. Hugs from to another,

Lisa-Jo Baker said...

Hi Bria -

It was so lovely to see your smiling face over at my place! I was thinking about you recently and wondering if you were at Jenny Gregar's wedding? Love seeing your thoughts here on the tension between who we are as moms and who we are becoming in our own callings. Thanks for always sharing your honest wrestling through these thoughts!


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