Monday, April 19, 2010

The Vigilance of a Free Spirit

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Welcome to the Vigilant Wives Club! If it's your first Monday here, this is what it's all about.

Dave Ramsey calls me "the free spirit."  The one in our marriage who's not "the nerd."  He says that every marriage has one of each on some level.  And, I suppose in some marriages, the contrast between the two is not so stark.  But in my and my husband's marriage, the difference is clear to see.  Me the one who naturally regresses into five-year-old antention deficit disorder at the whisper of the word budget and anything financial.  My husband the nerd who starts dancing at the very thought.

So Thursday evening it was my man who dedicated his enitre evening to fixing the details that needed to be tended to after our bank was bought by another and all of our online bill paying bliss turned into chaos until we entered new account numbers and routing digits, etc.  And by about 9pm, I could tell it was more maddening than even my awesome nerd could handle.  Therefore, I suggested he put it away for the evening before he gunned down the computer leaving for another day.

He agreed.

So when Friday came and my man was at work, the papers stared at me from the kitchen table.  You know, the papers that represented the unfinished woeful task of repairing the checking account chaos.  They sat right next to the computer which remained in its same Thursday-evening home.  A reminder that the dreaded job awaited completion.  And I called to mind the pang in my heart that started several weeks ago.  The pang that started the Vigilant Wives Club.  Because, although my man is in fact a nerd, he does not enjoy being inconvenienced to redo things that have already been taken care of.  Even when it has to do with economics.  And this was definitely something that had been previously taken care of.  By my man.  Who did it so well.  A long time ago.  When he did it the first time.

So I sat down before the looming figures, papers in hand.  And I did it.  For him.  Because I was looking for a way to serve him.  And I knew this was it.

That's what vigilance looks like for me.  Looking for ways to serve my man.  And doing it.  Making the most of each opportunity I am given.

So, how about you?  I would LOVE to read about your vigilance in your marriage.  Join me, won't you?  I can't wait to read what you write...

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If you don't have a blog, then leave a comment here about your husband and one way you choose to serve him today or this week.


cooperkelly4 said...

Impressive! I am so not the math whiz in our family either. (lol, I was an english major in college) I am sure he really appreciated your heart to serve him here. =0)

Coby said...

Wow! As someone who HATES to deal with money issues (my husband is also the "nerd") I am in awe! What a wonderful way to serve your husband! Did his jaw his the floor?

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