This week marks the one-year anniversary of our official move to Moreland. Not quite a town, no zipcode of its own, but a way-out-in-the-country little community which our family has grown to love.
There is so much to love about this place. Franklin Township Elementary School and all 150 or so students and teachers. The beautiful rolling hills that constantly scream out God's creative majesty. Listening to the clippety-cloppety Amish buggies rolling by as we eat dinner with the windows open. Mowing the lawn. And, as of today, I can add to this list the joy of rolling my lawn (see picture above). You see, a short twelve months ago, I had no idea that there was even such a thing as rolling a lawn. And now, not only do I know about it, but I know first-hand HOW it is done! I also know, as of this evening, how to get a riding lawn mower unstuck from a muddy lawn (Calmly turn the mower off before walking inside your home, and lovingly tell your husband you got stuck in the mud. Then, when he tells you the ground is still too soft to be rolling the lawn if you're getting stuck in the mud, smile innocently and grab the camera before following him outside to "help him".) And I love my new knowledge. Mostly because I love to mow my lawn. There's just something about driving on the grass that is so fun!! And it's so beautiful! This is what I get to look at while I mow . . .
I'm so glad we live here!!
Ok, just so you don't think I'm a total nerd, I still love Starbucks and Target.
Ain't it purty?!?
Oh Bria - I miss your refreshing perspective and sweet smile! Looking forward to getting doses of it reading your blog!
It makes me happy to know that you are full of praises because of the place God prepared for you, and are thriving under His loving care. He is so good! Give Hanna an extra big hug from Edward :)
Much Love,
The Hendersons
Ah! lawn mowing, great activity unless it requires four and half hours each week. Great way to get a sun tan in the summer. And Bria, you look great on your mower. Yes it is still to wet in Ind. to roll our lawn but it is getting close.
You have a beautiful back yard.
Dear Family,
All those garden projects, Bria, think of it as 1 sq. yd. at a time. Projects will still be there 45 years from now, as Dad W. and I well know. You're doing a marvelous job as you whittle away at the tasks.
Grace, I was so proud of you at your swim lesson tonight. You almost got "all" of you wet. Hanna, I had fun playing with you on the bleachers. Love to all. Hi to all of Bria's blogging friends. Your favorite, and only, mother-in-law.
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